Rules & Etiquette

Tennis Court Rules & Etiquette

Tennis is a unique sport, one that is often played without supervision, referees or officials. As a tennis player, it is important that you know and follow the rules and practice the courtesy of good sportsmanship and etiquette on the court. Please know and abide by the following rules which will ensure a better playing experience for all members.

1. Read and follow "The Code" of tennis for unofficiated matches.

2. Please wear appropriate attire on court. Shirts must be worn, non-marking shoes only and no cut-offs or jeans.

3. No profanities, yelling or screaming at any time while on court.

4. Cell phones must be silenced.

5. No food, drinks (other than water and sports drinks) or chewing gum on courts.

6. Show respect to all players at all times.

7. Please keep the courts clean by picking up all balls and throwing away any trash.

8. All booking privileges as adult members are made at the front desk or online. If you wish to occupy a court please check in first.

9. If you need to cross a court that is occupied to access yours, please only cross in between points.

10. Do not retrieve a ball from another court while their point is still in progress. Please wait until they finish their point.

11. Only tennis is played on the courts!

12. If you are around the tennis courts but not playing, please keep noises to an appropriate level and respect members who are playing.